Investor Summary


Health and Plant Protein Group Limited

Business Description   

Health and Plant Protein Group Limited announced on 18 April 2023 that it had completed the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary, HPP America Inc, the US-based holding company of MacFarms, LLC, owner of the Kapua Orchard and macadamia nut business.


Health and Plant Protein Group Limited (previously Buderim Group Limited) was established as a Co-operative in 1941 by five Buderim farmers. On 10 October 1989 the company was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.

Shares on Issue


Share Price Information


Australian Securities Exchange (Ticker Code: HPP)

Market Capitalisation

$4.8 million (as at 12 April 2024 based on a price of $0.042 per share)

Registered Office

Level 28, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Telephone: (07) 3067 4828

Email: [email protected]

Board of Directors

Albert Tse (Chair)

Qi (Christina) Chen

Hugh Robertson

Director Biographies

Executive Chair

Albert Tse

Company Secretary 

Deane Conway


Ernst & Young
ABN 75 288 172 749
111 Eagle Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000

Telephone: + 61 7 3011 3333

Share Registry

Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
Level 1, 200 Mary Street
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia

Telephone:  1300 850 505 (within Australia) 
                    +61 3 9415 4000 (outside Australia)
Facsimile:   +61 3 9473 2500

Bankers and Financiers

Westpac Banking Corporation
260 Queen Street
Brisbane, Queensland, 4000

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