Governance Statement
This statement is provided to inform shareholders and other stakeholders of the governance arrangements in the company. The company applies these arrangements to its operations both in Australia and internationally.
It is based on the requirements of the Corporations Law, the Listing Rules of the ASX, the recommendations of the ASX Corporate Governance Council, and other Australian and international guidelines.
The directors have unanimously resolved to adopt the statement. However this does not infer that the directors endorse all the recommended guidelines as being appropriate to the particular circumstances of the company. Note should be taken of the descriptions and explanations of the governance arrangements of the company. The directors are firmly of the opinion that these represent a transparent and comprehensive regime that provides a high level of assurance to all stakeholders.
This governance statement should be read in conjunction with the disclosures included in the Directors Report. This statement is published in pdf format below and is available in hard copy on request to the Company Secretary.
Corporate Governance Statement
30 June 2024
Our Code of Conduct
25 July 2022
Continuous Disclosure and Investor Communication Policy
25 July 2022
Board Charter
25 July 2022
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
25 July 2022
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
25 July 2022
Group Whistleblower Policy
30 June 2023
Securities Trading Policy
25 July 2022
11 November 2022
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